When what looks like insurance isn’t
12 Oct 2023
Before you think I’m wandering into fantasy land, this bizarre scenario is happening with enough frequency for me to note it.
Another team member passes his test – we ride, we know
09 Oct 2023
Congratulations are very much in order to one of our solicitors, Oliver Beale who has passed his Mod 1 and 2 on his first attempts, making him a fully licensed motorcyclist.
What should I look for in motorcycle travel insurance?
05 Oct 2023
I read Richy Howland’s letter about travel insurance in the March issue of RiDE with interest.
The Cathedral of Speed
29 Sep 2023
With the end of Summer upon us, Gavin Grewal, decided he was off for some fun on two wheels and headed to the Netherlands for a track day.
Prize Bike Winner!
“A bonny wee thing” is how a delighted Graham Logan describes his new bike after becoming the latest winner of the White Dalton free prize bike draw.
Is recovery cover worth having?
28 Sep 2023
If you ride a complicated bike as most of us do and it breaks down it’s the AA, RAC, Greenflag, or whoever, time. Simple. Well, not so fast.
When filtering goes wrong
22 Sep 2023
44Teeth sat down with Gavin Grewal to discuss the legalities of filtering (or lane splitting) and overtaking on a junction…
A bent lever or system?
21 Sep 2023
Don’t get led astray by insurers wanting to write off your bike without good reason.
A Mini Beast from the East
14 Sep 2023
If you hit a pothole and it damages your vehicle, here’s what you should know…
There’s a chance I might lose part of my leg. Should I settle this now?
07 Sep 2023
I have had a serious motorcycle accident. Liability is all agreed. I have taken a 20% hit because witnesses and various engineering experts have put me at about 80mph in a 60mph zone, which I accept as probably correct.
Visibility: the motorcyclist’s biggest threat
31 Aug 2023
I hear strange justifications from drivers who knock motorcyclists off their motorcycles, but the common thread is the driver failed to see the biker.
Using a vehicle in contravention of a SORN
24 Aug 2023
We are very fortunate and both I and my partner have a bike each in the garage (we bought matching MT-09s a few years ago).
Snowed under
17 Aug 2023
I am an all-year-round biker doing about 40,000 miles a year whether it be rain, sunshine or snow. To be blunt, I do not have a choice because I do not have a car, so the bike is it.
I hit an unlit parked car facing the wrong way
10 Aug 2023
I have had a nasty accident, which has resulted in a spiral fracture in my ankle. I hit a parked car on the approach to a village in darkness.
The Adam White Case
03 Aug 2023
When it comes to defending your home and your property, just how far can you go?
A slippery tail
27 Jul 2023
It’s easier than you might think to become a double victim in the event of an accident. Hidden costs can cause a secondary sting if you’re not careful.
My insurance company seems to be shafting me. What is going on?
20 Jul 2023
I was taken off my bike in the most obvious no-fault accident imaginable. Because the case is live, I cannot go into details but I was stationary and a car hit me at speed from the rear, sending me over the top of my bike.
Roads of Rage
13 Jul 2023
There’s never a good time for road rage, but especially not when you’re on a test ride…