Thinking of buying an electric scooter? Read our FAQ on e-scooters to understand the laws around using them. If you are using an e-scooter which is part of a trail rental scheme then the laws that apply are slightly different and you should check with your electric scooter rental company.
E-scooters or electric scooters are growing in popularity in the UK. They are readily available and relatively cheap to buy. They are light, portable and obviously have environmental benefits with zero emmissions and have the potential to cut down the number of short journies made by car, such as commuting.
Whilst the benefits are obvious, the law surrounding the use of e-scooters is not so clear cut. There are various e-scooter trial rental schemes being carried out across select towns in the UK and the rules are different and many individuals elect to purchase their own electric scooters and it often comes as a shock that they illegal to use on any public property such as roads, cycle lanes and pavements.
Read our FAQs on the law surrounding the use of e-scooters below.