Andrew Dalton

Am I on the hook for a hire bike I didn't need?

Am I on the hook for a hire bike I didn’t need?

01 Dec 2022

I have what seems to be a pretty major problem. My bike was knocked over in a London parking bay.

Wild camping and the law

Wild camping and the law

24 Nov 2022

For me, wild camping is more of a last resort because I believe we motorcycle tourists should put money into local economies, but I appreciate people might have tighter budgets than I.

I'm being told to settle for less than lost earnings. Is that fair?

I’m being told to settle for less than lost earnings. Is that fair?

03 Nov 2022

I am a 43-year-old bloke that has not long left the Army, having done my 22 years. I was riding into work when a car turned right across me – I was unable to avoid hitting it and did myself a fair bit of harm.

Whiplash injury and how the law deals with it

Whiplash injury and how the law deals with it

27 Oct 2022

Whiplash is a real injury – I’ve had it off road motorcycling and it’s given me tears and minor fractures in the cervical spinal area.

Would standard travel insurance cover me for an accident abroad?

Would standard travel insurance cover me for an accident abroad?

20 Oct 2022

Andrew Dalton clarifies the travel insurance position

I thought it was a mechanical fault...

I thought it was a mechanical fault…

06 Oct 2022

I had an unexplained loss of control on my bike that I initially believed was a mechanical fault.

Insurance: the don't ask don't tell scenario

Insurance: the don’t ask don’t tell scenario

22 Sep 2022

On the proviso you buy your insurance as a consumer, or largely as a consumer – so if you have a trade policy this does not apply to you – the law is contained in the Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012.

Surely she can't hit me, say "black ice" and get away with it?

Surely she can’t hit me, say “black ice” and get away with it?

15 Sep 2022

I was hit by a car from behind as I was waiting in a queue of traffic. It was all very low speed but as the bike went down, it got pushed along the road on its side with me sat on the car’s bonnet.

Planning to go to Europe? Know this...

Planning to go to Europe? Know this…

01 Sep 2022

As the dust settles on Brexit, it is becoming clearer that the touring British motorcyclist will have a few more issues to deal with Euro side.

Passing the Mousse Test

Passing the Mousse Test

25 Aug 2022

As I am sure most readers will know, mousses are technically illegal. I use the phrase ‘technically’ because I have never heard of anyone being prosecuted under the Construction and Use regulations which specify a tyre must be pneumatic.

I was speeding, will it affect my claim?

I was speeding, will it affect my claim?

18 Aug 2022

I was riding along a straight stretch of road and in the opposite lane, saw a camper van heading towards me, indicating right. I carried on and when I was really close to the camper van, it turned right, across my path.

Do all wheelies count as dangerous driving?

Do all wheelies count as dangerous driving?

04 Aug 2022

A wheelie is largely a show-off’s trick. I say that as someone who attends the occasional wheelie school, so I can legally hoist my front wheel up on an airstrip because it’s good fun.

Do the Police have a duty to clean up diesel after an accident?

Do the Police have a duty to clean up diesel after an accident?

28 Jul 2022

I was involved in an accident with no warning. I was riding around an easy sweeping bend when my bike just fell out from underneath me.

How does no win no fee work?

How does no win no fee work?

21 Jul 2022

No win no fee arrangements for solicitors are a good thing for clients, less so for solicitors.

Avoid cheap bike insurance

Avoid cheap bike insurance

15 Jul 2022

Should you opt for the cheapest motorcycle insurance policy you can find on a comparison website, or do you get what you pay for?

My bike was knocked over in Spain. How do I get reimbursed?

My bike was knocked over in Spain. How do I get reimbursed?

07 Jul 2022

My Yamaha FJR1800 was knocked down in Spain a few weeks ago. A driver reversed his car into me but as good luck would have it, the whole thing was captured on my bike’s on-board video. So, how do I get reimbursed for the damage for my bike? It is around £3000.

Fully comp & losing your no claims bonus

Fully comp & losing your no claims bonus

30 Jun 2022

If you are unlucky enough to write off your pride and joy it is an expensive thing.

If he had a blow-out and then knocked me off, can I claim?

If he had a blow-out and then knocked me off, can I claim?

23 Jun 2022

I was involved in a side swipe on the motorway. I was in lane two, my speed set by cruise control to 70 mph.

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Client Feedback

White Dalton have handled 1000's of motorcycle accident cases over the years. Here is some feedback from some of our recent clients...

Very professional

Very professional. Far superior! After your involvement in my case my case moved on well. I just wish you had become involved in the first place!


Very understanding and professional

The best I have dealt with, very understanding and professional



Excellent could not recommend them highly enough. Like a breath of fresh air, straight to the point.


Contact Us

Call us to speak in to a member of our team. Or fill out our contact form and we'll ring you back. 0800 783 6191

0800 783 6191

Our phone lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

We Ride, We Know...

White Dalton Motorcycle Solicitors are Britain’s most specialist motorbike accident compensation claims solicitors, dealing with all legal aspects of motorcycle accident compensation claims.

Every one of our motorbike solicitors rides and we have total motorbike experience. We have years of experience in successfully gaining compensation for motorcyclists injured on the road.