Prize Draw Numbers
10 Aug 2012
We haven’t had a winner for the Kawasaki KLX250 prize bike we are giving away so we are going to start drawing two numbers each week!

Snetterton race 1
16 Jul 2011
Rain stops play! Heavy rain showers caused delays throughout today and when the GP1 race finally started it was straight into a rain storm of biblical proportions. After two laps the track was so flooded that the race had to be stopped until the rain subsided and the standing water could be brushed clear. At […]

CCM Sledgehammer Winner!
23 Apr 2010
Dave Stanford from Kent collected the CCM Sledgehammer from our offices today. He says this is the first bike he has owned from new, all his other bikes have been second hand and needed some form of restoration to get them running again.

Prize Bike Winner #2
31 Mar 2010
Lewis Godding, the other prize bike winner from 2 weeks ago, collected the CCM SR-40 Retro bike from our offices today.

CCM Prize bike winner!
25 Aug 2009
Our latest prize bike winner, Steven Branton, collecting his CCM from the White Dalton offices.