Pressing home your rights…
03 Oct 2024
Over the past decade the government has eroded access to justice by increasing the ‘limits’ for which you can access lawyers.

Criminal and civil courts, and you…
13 Jun 2024
You would think a criminal conviction against a biker would automatically debar any successful civil claim. Oddly the answer is no, it would not.

When the Police drive recklessly
23 May 2024
It is trite law, following the Court of Appeal decision in Nettleship v Weston that a learner driver owes the same duty of care as an experienced and skilled driver.

When what looks like insurance isn’t
12 Oct 2023
Before you think I’m wandering into fantasy land, this bizarre scenario is happening with enough frequency for me to note it.

Is recovery cover worth having?
28 Sep 2023
If you ride a complicated bike as most of us do and it breaks down it’s the AA, RAC, Greenflag, or whoever, time. Simple. Well, not so fast.

Visibility: the motorcyclist’s biggest threat
31 Aug 2023
I hear strange justifications from drivers who knock motorcyclists off their motorcycles, but the common thread is the driver failed to see the biker.

Christmas trees and pumpkins…
06 Jul 2023
In November and early January I will get phone calls from those hardy souls who are still riding – the commuters and those whose bike is there only means of transport.

Saying ‘sorry’ doesn’t mean you’re guilty
08 Jun 2023
It is an urban myth, kept alive by insurers, that you should never apologise at a collision.

Officer someone’s ridden up my chuff…
11 May 2023
It is an urban myth, with a solid core of truth, that if you ride into the back of another vehicle you have got some pretty major liability issues.

When the hospital makes things worse
22 Mar 2023
In my line of work I have to deal with motorcyclists whose injuries have been potentially worsened by ‘sub optimal’ medical care, and this is a problem.

There are bad wheelies, and not so bad…
09 Feb 2023
Hoisting a controlled wheelie is really good fun. However, it is also illegal.

Bring the noise: horns, loud pipes & the law
26 Jan 2023
Bikers of my vintage will remember the ‘Loud Pipes Save Lives’ patches from the 1980s, more often than not seen sewn onto a denim cut-off jacket.

What is the legal size of a motorcycle number plate?
05 Jan 2023
The standard British motorcycle number plate is about the size of a frying pan and looks rubbish.

Bad signage and diesel spills, who is responsible?
08 Dec 2022
Consider these situations. You are riding along a decent A-road you do not know, you might be pressing on a bit but nothing too pacey when a bend in the road, with no chevrons or warning signs, develops into a nerve rattling vicious hairpin.

Whiplash injury and how the law deals with it
27 Oct 2022
Whiplash is a real injury – I’ve had it off road motorcycling and it’s given me tears and minor fractures in the cervical spinal area.

Insurance: the don’t ask don’t tell scenario
22 Sep 2022
On the proviso you buy your insurance as a consumer, or largely as a consumer – so if you have a trade policy this does not apply to you – the law is contained in the Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012.

Planning to go to Europe? Know this…
01 Sep 2022
As the dust settles on Brexit, it is becoming clearer that the touring British motorcyclist will have a few more issues to deal with Euro side.

How does no win no fee work?
21 Jul 2022
No win no fee arrangements for solicitors are a good thing for clients, less so for solicitors.