70156 & 200716 & 225901
Winning Number – How to claim
These number(s) will change 5pm on 28 December 2018 so if you have the lucky number you must show the card to us before 5pm on 28 December 2018 to claim the motorcycle. Alternatively you can claim the motorcycle by phoning us with your details as long as you have pre-registered your card. Full rules of the draw can be found by clicking here. Previous winners, FAQ, rules and how to register your cards can all be found on the main prize draw pages.
New Competition! Win £250 Voucher for bike kit!
Last month Neil from Surrey was the lucky winner of £250 bike kit vouchers. It’s a free monthly draw so if you haven’t signed up yet… what are you waiting for? If you fancy a few extra goodies in your kit bag sign up here to be in with a chance.
The good news is that this is a monthly competition. So whether you’re a newbie starting out or a seasoned rider, if you’d like to be in with a chance to kick start your kit collection or just to update a bit of it, all you have to do is enter the prize draw. You only need to enter once – as we’ll keep you in the pot for each draw.
A winner is picked at random on the last Friday of each month so look out for the weekly newsletter or social media to see if it’s your lucky day.