The AC RD club has been going since 1994 for enthusiasts of the 70’s air cooled Yamaha twins and has a friendly and welcoming outlook and gets members that ride other makes of motorcycles as well. Currently there are over 500 members worldwide and the well-established club exhibits at various events across the UK, most recently the McLaren Employee motor show.
Pictured is Derek with his silver award for doing 290 miles in 10 hours, in the rain, on the ACU National Road Rally. Derek is contemplating doing the full rally next year (dependent on fuel costs). He also owns an XJR1300 but prefers the RD400C. Derek collected some prize draw cards from our 2005 NEC show and checks his prize draw numbers each week (and has been close a couple of times!).
If you would like your motorbike featured on our blog, drop us an email to with a photo and description. Anyone can get their bike featured, whether you are a member of a club or not. Perhaps you completed a long distance ride, road trip around Europe or just go out at the weekend with a group for a ride or even want to show off your choice for the daily commute.