All the emergency services were there, including a load of police bikes, a paramedic team and local fire fighters in an informal, friendly atmosphere.
I managed to get roped into a paramedic demonstration with an attractive, blonde professional actress, Meg Morris ( – well, someone had to do it – where under supervision I was shown how to remove a motorcycle casualty’s crash helmet. Having done various first aid courses both civilian and military, I thought it would be self explanatory, but quite a few things I had not thought of were brought to my attention. Meg is the artfully arranged casualty on the floor, and despite my cack handed helmet removal, Meg stayed perfectly in character notwithstanding my getting her hair caught in her helmet D ring buckle, and pulling it. Sorry Meg!
We were all trying to get a message across that while bikes are enjoyable they do carry a real risk.
We cannot control what other road users do, but we can minimise the risks and the whole show was run by bikers with a message to get across.
We are running a campaign to try and raise awareness of a real problem for urban motorcyclists’ and commuters, the car driver who turns right without checking his door mirror.
At every show we go to we are giving away as many stickers as we can (in hi visibility colours) encouraging drivers to use the door mirror, and see the filtering motorcyclist. The Highway Code says “don’t overtake by junctions” for motorcyclists, but it also warns drivers to check door mirrors, indicate, and get to the crown of the road, make a lifesaver and then turn. What we see is cars in a stream of traffic just flicking on the indicator, and turning and costing a motorcyclist his leg or his life.
So if you are at a show, please pick up the stickers, get them in your car, your mum’s car, your works van or wherever we can get the message across.