17 Apr 2013A great victory for motorcyclists
It is a lovely weight, after 3+ years, to finally have this case closed, and to have won the case. I set out with a determination to prove that the woman was reckless in her driving, and I know it was an uphill battle for us all, however, we did it – and I am truly delighted.
Andrew/Jo, thank you. Thank you for your faith in this case and myself, as I know it was one that you knew the risk was higher than normal and thank you for your continued determination and defiance of the other side trying to get you to walk away. You have done a sterling job and truly, I am very grateful for your continued commitment to seeing this case through
I truly feel it was a great victory for motorcyclists as well as a big feather in your cap!
You have all been stars – I am very grateful for all you have done and will always remember what you did for me.